A quick and easy way to get your credit report or clearance certificate and make all your claims! HelloCreditinfo is an enterprise chatbot based on open source technology and capable of delivering excellent results in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.
get in touchFeatures and benefits of the HelloCreditinfo solution
Optimised access
Solvency report and clearance certificate
HelloCreditinfo allows you to download a full PDF report and share it with a third party. It is also possible to request a clearance certificate and download it for any purpose.
The chatbot can also
integrate with third-party APIs such as payment gateways or verification services.
verification services.
Functionality enabling the customer to register a dispute following the discovery of an inconsistency relating to personal data or credit data.
Scan this QR code with your mobile phone, or send a message to our 24/7 Whatsapp chatbot service at
Experience and customer service are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
This service is available via WhatsApp and lets you
- Interact with a Creditinfo operator digitally;
- Digitalising access to credit reports for consumers;
- Enable consumers to consult their situation remotely without having to travel;
- Digitalising disputes, since consumers will be able to initiate a dispute themselves from a chatbox;
- Download their own credit report as many times as necessary and share it with third parties;
- Request a clearance certificate and download it for any purpose.
- Increase the financial inclusion of credit consumers in the WAEMU.